Merry Christmas Everybody! Ah! What a Christmas is was! Usually, Dad hands out presents, but this year, he hurt his back so I had to do it as I am the oldest brother. So, Here are the presents we received as wellas some pictures of us scottish boys.
Mom and her night gown
Mom with her snowmen
What came out of it was....
My first REAL sword!!!!
Dad with his cup of candy canes and home made biscottis.
My brother Tony with his axe
Me with my sword again.
Tony with his Memoir '44 estension
Tony and me with our katanas
Gabriel with his Robin Hood sword and shield
The whatever-its-called table.
David Tony and Gabriel in their Kilts and holding their weapons
Davd, Tony, and Gabriel charging the Field
Tony, me, and Gabriel with our kilts and weapons