We are airsofters! Yes, me and my brothers are learning the ins and outs of airsofting. It all started when we moved here. Some friends of ours showed us their airsoft guns and we played it. The first time I played I wasn't hit once. But, when I played the second time, I was hit for the first time and since then I didn't want to play any more (it did hurt quite a bit). But that was because I was running away and the enemy player had a 500 feet-per-second gun. Ouch. So, I didn't want to play for a while. But then, my brothers, this year, bought themselves two machine guns and a shotgun. So, it all began. the boys kept pushing me to buy one for myself, but I hesitated. I felt like getting another sword. But then, I bought myself my first gun, which I sold to my brother for more money, and then bought myself an M14 Sniper Rifle. Here are the pictures of our arsenal (Our camera doesn't take very good pictures):
Our Arsenal
Gabriel's Mossburg 550 Shotgun
(it only shoots one shot at a time)
It can shoot full-automatic or just semi-auto

Gabriel's R36

Here it is with the RAS rail, flashlight, and scope.

I bought the gun off of a store from Amazon, but, my favorite Airsoft store it Airsplat.com and Evike.com.Gabriel's R36
It has a foldable stock and shoots one BB at a time then
you cock it to fire again
My M14 (sorry about the shiny photos)
This is what it looks like without the detachable RAS rail, flashlight, and scope.
Here it is with the RAS rail, flashlight, and scope.

500 feet-per-second? That has got to hurt!! Still, look like fun. I want to get one!! Sadly, with the over-the-top safety laws here THEY ARE ILLEGAL!!! WOE IS MEEEEEEEEE!!!
ReplyDeleteDaniel, you really are making my children envious with these weapons and swords etc.
ReplyDeleteJust a question though as Saxon is dispearing about our secerity laws.
Do you live in Scotland as your blog and passions seem to sugest or in the USA as it would seem.
God Bless
Gae aka Saxon's Mum
As a matter of fact, I do live in the United States. But, my favorite country, seeing as our clan is Armstrong, is Scotland. Hahaha! I see what you mean about my passions though. All of us have kilts, I own a british sword, and I sometimes write in a Scottish accent. (I talk with one for the fun of it around our house). Hahaha!