Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Caption Contest!

Here it is! My first Caption Contest! For those that don't know what it is, here is how you do it, you take these pictures, and using any program, you either write what you think the people are thinking, or doing, or saying or anything that is verb, or you tell me over a comment what they are doing. Just try to think funny. Like for this first one:

Gibs: Aaaaaaah! It's mommy come back from the dead!
Teddy bear: Hey! Stop squeezin'!
I know it wasn't that funny, but something like that. Good luck!

~The Pirate


  1. # 1: (dreaming that he's three years old in his bed at home)
    #2 : (women) "Ugh, do they have to do that? (Jack) (shocked speechless)
    #3 : (man facing camera) "Check it out! Somebody left their fun house mirror behind!"
    #4 : (Jack) "Never mind the little creature behind me stabbing me with a trident. That's how a pirate boards a ship, mate."
    #5 : (middle man) "Is it just me, or does that man have live snakes where his beard should be?"(man he's facing) "I hear nothing, I see nothing."
    #6 : (cameraman rowing behind in little canoe) "man, this is exhausting. Well they at least give me some of the treasure?"
    #7 : (man) "Uh, Jack? I'm not sure that's safe. I'm just sayin'...
    #8 : (Jack) "Agh! Help me, someone! I see dead people in boats!"
    #9 : (bearded guys) "This is disgusting! We Arabs are superior to you creatures!"
    #10 : (Barbossa) "Will somebody get this thing off my shoulder? it's eating my hair."
    #11 : (middle man) "Darn! My watch is broken!" (other guys) "Big deal! We see Jack Sparrow! Come on!"
    #12 : "Uh... guys? Are you,like, serious, dudes?"

  2. 1# Gibbs: "No never I'll never part with my teddy!"
    2# Jack: "Oh no! There's a photographer there with a camera! Ahhhhh!"
    3# Beckett: "Someone’s watching me. Is it Captain Jack Sparrow?!?! Oh no! I'm starting to imitate them!"
    4# people in the little boat: "Oh how kind of them. Making a rainbow for us!!!!!"
    5# Beckett: "Must stand resolute. Even if everyone isn't as hygienic as me!"
    6# Jack: "What's that mate? I can't understand you?"
    7# Barbossa: "Honestly all this monkey talks about is bananas. Why can't he talk about apples?!"
    8# Beckett: "Yuck!!!! It's got germs! Someone help me!" Will looks over to Davy and winks.
    9# Elizabeth: "I'm not acknowledging anyone’s existence!!!!!!!"

