What do you use most to comunicate?
The Pimpernel (me): Skype.
William Wallace: runners.
Daniel Morgan: letters. But besides, I don't even have time to write them.
What is your favorite music?
The Pimpernel: James Horner, Hans Zimmer, and John Williams.
William Wallace: BAGPIPES!!!!!!
Daniel Morgan: Why, fiddles! but They drive me crazy when I'm frustrated and besides, I don't really care!
Would you move to another country?
The Pimpernel: Well, yes.
William Wallace: Who me!? No! SCOTLAAAAAAAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Daniel Morgan: Are you crazy!? Gosh Dang it no! I don't even have one to leave yet! Bah! Stop asking me these blasted questions!
What's your hobby?
The Pimpernel: That's a good question. I act, I direct, I choreograph... Anything that has to do with acting, movies or plays.
William Wallace: Fire! Flames!!!
Daniel Morgan: Hunting. But I don't have much time to think right now.
If you could be present anywhere, at any point in history, where would you go?
The Pimpernel: The American Revolution or Wallace's revolution.
William Wallace: Well, Let me see.... Ah! The Macabees revolt in scripture! They fought for what we fight for.
Daniel Morgan: At the moment, I'm too busy to care.
What's your favorite color?
The Scarlet Pimpernel: Why, Scarlet! Hahaha!
William Wallace: Scottish tartan plaid!
Daniel Morgan: Blue! Not that I care. Anything that would be opposite of the British! If they were loyal to Washington, I would change my loyalty to King Louis of France!
If you had a favorite animal, what would it be?
The Pimpernel: A dog!
William Wallace: A hawk!
Daniel Morgan: Pah! Like I really care.
If you had a motto, what would it be?
The Pimpernel: We seek him here, we seek him there. Those Frenchies seek him everywhere. is he in Heaven? Is he in hell? That elusive Scarlet Pimpernel.
William Wallace: Every man dies, not every man really lives. Or, Every man dies, it's just a matter of how and why.
Daniel Morgan: Time which you you don't have to lose shouldn't be spent in answering questions...
If you suddenly had a million (tax-free) dollars, what would you do?
The Pimpernel: Use it. Most deffinately.
William Wallace: Buy armor and swords for my brave men.
Daniel Morgan: Pay a certain reporter who asks frustrated Generals pesty questions to leave him alone.
What's your favorite literature?
The Pimpernel: The Scarlet Pimpernel.
William Wallace: The Bible.
Daniel Morgan: Kill the questions and Have the Reporter Shot. A book which I'm about to write.
The Rest of Daniel Morgans answer has been sensored. Hahaha! Just kidding. I tag all my followers!

lol at Daniel Morgan's answers especially! Great job! Everybody else do this too!