Oh! I love movies! I love making movies! I could make movies 24/7 and keep on going! My first movie I was in (a family film of course) was a film we made called the Thieves of Toys... you can imagine what that was about... since then, I've always loved acting and especially movies!
Originally, I would make small projects for our family... then I made a movie with some friends of ours called The Return of the Witch King, Gollum, and the Ring. It was pretty fun to make. Then, we decided to make a whole bunch of small family projects copying the big movies such as The Chronicles of Narnia, Pirates of the Caribbean and others (all comedies). We made Narnia, and then I had a revolutionary idea...
I thought of making a BIG movie! A film which we would make, with a budget, and which we would end up posting and so on... we decided it would be The Lord of the Rings. As you can tell, that was overdoing it a bit. Naturally, when we found it was far too difficult to make, we shelved it. We never really said, "It's shelved." but we knew it was, when it was.
Then, I decided to go back to small movies. Not as small as our first movies, but just not something with budgets and everything. So, I found a friend of mine, known online as Master Paul Xavier, had written a small script known as The Crusaders Tale and had made a "studio" known as Lord and Lady Productions. Unfortunately, he never was able to perform any movies. So, I offered to direct the film for him and do it under his studio's name, Lord and Lady Productions. He accepted my offer. Little by little, we began to call ourselves Lord and Lady Productions instead of people working for Lord and Lady Productions. Now, we are full out, the western division of Lord and Lady Productions performing our first big production The Crusaders Tale. Our trailer will be coming out in August. So stay tuned!
We are already looking to when we will be done with The Crusader's Tale, and thinking of new plots we could perform. We have decided that when we are done with TCT we will make previews of different plots which are doable, and see the opinion of some of our public (AKA=you guys). I know I've asked this before, but if you have a story that you'd like us to perform, please feel free to send it to us in comment (that WILL NOT be published). And there are no restrictions any more. I will first look at the story and see if it is doable. The story doesn't have to be in script form, just a quick story, and we'll develop the script.
When I usually put these requests out, people never really reply. But I'm very interested in what my followers would like to see performed, and their own ideas of films!

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