Welcome my friends to the jolly old Lord of the Rings Week 2010! And I am here to start the week, and to wish Bilbo Bagginses and Frodo Bagginses a precious birthday! I shall not repeat the well known speech which too many people have repeated already. But, Happy Birthday to Frodo nd Bilbo. And be it known that I shall slay any person who critizises the character who I played in an independant video of LOTR!

Now, on to the week! I hereby initiate the second anual Lord of the Rings Week in the year of our Lord, 2010!!!! I think you all have the details. Now, tell me if you wish to have a character and I will post a picture of you on the sidebar! I now take the part, this year, of Feanor. The maker of the Silmarils and High Cheif of the Noldor! Let the week begin!
My name says it all. You know who I am at Mithrandir's Memories