Ok, with the hello part said and done, it's time to move onto jobs. My sister and I applied for a job at an Apple Cider Mill/apple orchard/apple donut maker which, we said, made our aplication an applecation. So, the owner (who happens to go to our church, said that if we did not hear from him by Labor Day Weekend, to call him, and so we did. But we got a message machine. We tried again. nothing. Exept... his wife called us. She said she was sorry he hadn't called back, and said that he was extremely busy. So my dad said that was alright. But, then she asked if we were the family they saw praying after mass, Why yes. said we, and she said, "You guys are an inspiration to us!" My father said thank you and she said that she's have her husband call back. We were very pleased! We have a boss who we are an inspiration to! And furthermore, his wife really likes ours! Now, what's the chance of getting the job... We did! And we are going to work next week.
Now, number three, Rudy.
Rudy is a film where a short, unskilled boy, has always wanted to play with the Notre Dame football team. His whole life, his family, his friends, and his fellow workers tell him he can't play football. But he perseveres. After Highshool he starts saving money so that he can go to the legendary colledge (before it got to where it is now). After three years of saving, he still has no plans. His friend, Pete, who was the only one who believed that Rudy's dream was possible, tells him not to wait any more. But Rudy dosn't do anything. His friend, Pete, then dies. And Rudy, seeing the truth in what Pete said, packs his things and heads for South Bend where he meets with Father Cavana, the priest in charge of different things in Notre Dame. A very comical scene passes in which Cavana thinks Rudy is there to become a priest. Rudy then realizes what he thinks and tells him that he is there to go to Notre Dame. Father Cavana agrees to get him one semester in another college and if he gets good grades, he might have a chance to go to Notre Dame.
Now, to make a long story short, he gets into Notre Dame, then the Football team, but never gets in the games. The coach then promises that he will put him in one game. But, before he can, the coach resigns. The next coach is a non-caring coach who is there for the victory and for nothing else. On the last game for himself, and the seniors, Rudy looks on the bulletin board to see if he is on the team and his name is not there. So, he quits. Little does he know, every single of his fellow players, learning that all the seniors, but not Rudy, march into the Coaches office and each place there jersies on his desk saying, "This is for Rudy Coach." the Coach has to give in. Rudy, at that time, is convinced by his good friend, to go back to the practice without knowing that the other players got him back into the game. He then goes to the game. The captain has Rudy lead the other players out onto the team. The entire game, though they are utterly defeating the other team, Rudy is on the bench. The coach then has all the seniors play the last play but dosn't let Rudy onto the field. But the entire football stadium, rallied by one of the players, begins to cheer te name of Rudy. Then, a player, who hated Rudy originally, makes the captain call for a touchdown. They get the touchdown, which puts Rudy, and the defense, on the field. Rudy plays the last two plays and sack the quarterback on the last. The player life Rudy onto their shoulders and carry him off the field. No other Notre Dame player was carried off the field since. The movie has become one my favorites. The music is almost on the top of my list of favorite music, yes even above Lord of the Rings. You may not believe it, but if you watched the movie, you would agree. However, I would not urge anyone to watch it because of language. The language is horendous! every scene has probably 30 cuss words in it. But it is one amazing movie. I have places some clip. None have cuss words in it.
The Last Game
Main Theme

Yes, exactly. Though it's saturated with bad language,it's still one insanely uplifting story, even though he only ever played the last play of his college career and they were blowing out the opponents. Small guy wins! Oh, and did I mention the music is awesome too, especially with the last scene...