Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Shire!

As you can probably tell from my background, I prefer the foresty, green places of Lord of the Rings. Not the brown fields of Rohan, or the towery cities of Gondor, deffinately not the black grounds of Mordor, not the mysterious grounds of Lothlorien, not the deep mines of the dwarves, but the green... jolly... relaxing and joyful hills and forests of the Shire and Mirkwood. Now, Mirkwood, I know is a bit mysterious and I cannot say, with truth that I prefer it over my shire, but I can say I would like to live among the elves of Mirkwood and their glorious ways of life.

If you wish to read a book, written by myself and my sister actually, of Lord of the Rings, where yet a second adventure takes place, go to my blog where I wrote the book, The Adventure Continued. I wrote this book many years ago when I did not know much about the lands and lore, but it is still a very interesting story. It was the first eight or so posts I did. Some of it has been edited in the past years on another computer, but it is still good enough.

Without further ado, some clips of the Shire: