General Montgomery had his men well places. His tanks were placed along the road, infantry were placed on the flanks along with a bazooka squad at the ready. Then the attack came. Field Marshal Rommel move a panzer column down the road and smashed into Montgomery's infantry on the right flank. When the flank started to weaken, an air attack was deployed and Rommel's center units were weakened. Weakened, he was still invincible. He finally destroyed Montgomery's right flank and began to come down hard on the left; when he had achieved this goal, the left flank was extremely weak, he began to concentrate on the center. Just before he could destroy Montgomery's stronghold, Montgomery was able to send reinforcements. As Rommel endeavored to destroy the reinforcements, Montgomery waited for the right moment and delivered the finishing blow to Rommel's center, split his lines, and forced him to surrender.
My brothers and I have been playing Memoir '44. For those of you who don't know, Memoir is a WWII board game. This time, I was playing the role of Rommel, and Gabriel was playing Montgomery. I was defeated. Utterly. Deplorably. But, secretly, I am mearly giving 'Montgomery' the confidence he needs to attack me again, then I will attack again and win the day!!!! Muahahahaha! Muahahahaha! Muahahahaha!
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