I, my brother David, my sister Hannah, and Dad watched the 2004 Flyboys. I would have to rate this movie four stars. One star for the battle sequences,which were, without a doubt, above spectacular! Another star for the acting. The Main character, Rawlings, played his part spectacularly as did The Black Falcon, a german pilot, Cassidy, a flying ace, Skinner, another pilot, and all the other characters. A third star for the script, and a fourth for the editing and screenplay. It lost a star, in my opinion, for lack of exitement. It had it's great moments, but none of them were bang! moments. IT is rated PG-13 for the usual modern war movie stuff. There was one scene which we skipped, but the movie was extraordinary. The ending was a little sad, well not the ending, but what happened after the war which they revealed right before the credits. I would recomend it to anyone who is allowed to watch PG-13 movies. As you can see I have posted the preview (sorry for the quality):
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