Saturday, December 24, 2011
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Christmas!!!! In 1 week!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011
The Crusader's Tale - Part 1

Saturday, December 10, 2011
Putting Up Christmas Lights...
Happy Birthday David! You are, without a doubt, the finest brother ever! You are strategic, a very fine warrior, and an excellent actor!

So, again, Happy Birthday!!!
So, where was I? Ah yes! For his birthday, he received a computer game entitled "Company of Heroes."

It's a WWII game in which you command the headquarters and you build you army of tanks, artillery, and infantry to destroy the Nazi forces. There are three forces you can choose to be: Infantry, Airborne, and Armor. I personally prefer the airborne. Love the airborne! So, I must now go... darn it... so, farewell until our next meeting! And if we do not meet again, (highly doubt-able) then may your spirit stay strong, and your wits remain sharp! May-go-Vahnen,(farewell in elvish)
and a Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 2, 2011
I Am a Full Blooded Airsofter
Monday, November 28, 2011
Of Thanksgivings and Advents and Being Behind Blogging Schedule
But now it is, and I cannot believe it, ADVENT!!!!!!!!! It seems only yesterday we were in the middle of summer! So, I had to step on it and change my blogs look and put on my Christmas playlist... oh boy....
Updates on life: My brother David's birthday is coming up and he, shockingly, wanted to ask for the same airsoft gun I bought. I decided to be nice (and I also wanted to buy another one as it was a little heavy for my taste...) and sell him the one I bought... strange huh? So, I had to but yet another gun.... this time I bought a gun used by the Navy SEALS and also the most widely used sub machine gun around the world: The MP5. The MP5 is used by many armies around the world including the Australian Army, the Italian Army, the US Army, the Irish Army, the UK Army, and, one of my reasons for loving it, the Swiss Guard, and many more. I love this gun! And I love airsoft!
We have finally created out Arsofting Squad. We are calling ourselves the Knight's Templar's and, as we are taking out name from the Catholic warrior monks, have adopted the Italian uniform: Vegetato Camouflage, OD Gear, maroon or black berets (or Special forces helmets), and any gun used by the Italian Army. For myself, I will be the squad leader and David is our Squad second in command. Myself and Tony, are our squad assault troops/CQB (And part-time sniper for myself), Gabriel is out gunner, and David is our squad SDM (squad designated marksman). I can't wait until we all have our gear!
Until next time,

Thursday, October 27, 2011
Life Update
I bought a new airsoft rifle!!!!! It's got metal internals, it's an automatic, it has matal external parts all over, and and charging rod on the side of the gun, and a 300+ round magazine.

We are taking fencing lessons! It's fun! My grandma is coming next week! Can't wait!
So, you now have the updates on my life. I shall have to attempt to post more. I'll try.

Thursday, September 29, 2011
"The rope broke, the bell rang, and the man died..."
Decipher that if you can...
And now for the second:
"Inside a room there are 53 bycycles, a dead (murdered) man, and a table. Some of the bycycles are on the table and some aren't... what happened?"
I'll bet you'll never figures that one out...
To the winner I shall give nothing! Because if your that smart you don't have to show it off with an award...

Thursday, September 15, 2011
Happy Brithday Tony!
Firstly, the present he opened this morning was a F4Boys Automatic Airsoft M4 Carbine. Awesome!!!!!
Secondly, he is now the proud owner of an officially licensed Indiana Jones Fedora!
HappyBirthday Tony! And May you play many parts as good as you played Baldwin!

Friday, September 9, 2011
The Crusader's Tale Official Trailers
Please watch them, and pass them on!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011
The Movie Preferance Poll
Historical: e.g. Kingdom of Heaven, Gladiator, Gettysburg, The King's Speech, Pirates of the Carribean (although that's kind of fantasy... I'll leave it in this category), The Passion, Braveheart, Robin Hood.
Sci-Fi: e.g. Star Wars, Star Trek, The Dark Knight, X-Men, Tron: Legacy, Spiderman, Captain America, The Avengers (2012) Inception.
Fantasy: e.g. The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit (2012), Eragon, The Chronicles of Narnia.
Have fun!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011
There and Back Again: A Hobbit's Tale by The Pimpernel
The next day we went canoeing down a river to Amon Hen... Well, myself and my canoe partner were in first place in the first part of the race! The second part, we were somewhere in the back, and in the third part, we were in second place! Once we were done, we were so tired! As usual we went to Mass and said the Rosary but ended with a dinner of cheese dip and spaghetti.
The next day, we went on a hike on some Sand Dunes. This was the end Mr. Frodo! Just over the hills! It would all be over! Then we could go home! Home to the Shire! As you can see, it was quite difficult. The hills were some of the most difficult things to climb! On the way back, back 'ome, I literally fell down just within a few yards of the last hill. I had trouble just pulling myself to the top. Then I could see the vans! We'd done it Mr. Frodo! It's done!
The next day we packed up the tents and went home. Ya. Lots of energy and excitement there. Hahaha! As we were the first to arrive, we were the last to pack up and leave.
All in all, the trip was a fun one. I would have to say I will be goin' again next year. But after a long adventure, it's good to be back 'ome. So, I have lived the adventure. I have gone there... and back again.

The Eagle

The movie opened with a Roman centurion, Marcus Flavius Aquila, (Channing Tatum) taking command of his new post in Scotland (well on the borders of Scotland and England anyway) and you find out Marcus' father was the centurion of the 9th legion which lost it's treasured standard, The Eagle. You see, to the Romans, the Eagle represented Rome. If they lost their Eagle, it was a great shame. Just like if Catholics lost a Church to the protestants it would be a shame... well sort of... So, Marcus then decides to reclaim the Eagle and his families honor with the help of his slave, Esca, (Jamie Bell) whose father was one of the chiefs who led the attack on the 9th legion.
If you want to fin out what happens next, you'll have to watch the movie.
Action: There were battles all through it!
Romance: no romance (sorry girls but I hate whenever a film has that in it)
Plot: great story! The ending was a little weak, but it cut the cake.
Music: Surprisingly, the music was decent enough for the movie. There were times when it sounded like Emperor Palpatine's theme from Star Wars, but I suppose it was a low budget movie.
Props and Costumes: One reason I was attracted to this movie was because the costumes and weaponry were designed by my favorite prop makers: Windlas Steel (who also did the props for Prince Caspian, The Kingdom of Heaven, and many others).
Epic film! I would recomend watching it if you are 15 (It was pretty dark)

Sunday, July 17, 2011
Thorin Okenshield

Just like I envisioned Thorin to be! That's my idea of Thorin to a T! Hurrah for Peter Jackson and Richard Armitage: the PERFECT image of Thorin Okenshield! Bravo!
As a young Dwarf prince, Thorin witnessed the destruction and terror wrought when a great fire-breathing Dragon attacked the Dwarf Kingdom of Erebor. After slaughtering many of Thorin's kin, the great serpent, Smaug, entered The Lonely Mountain and took possession of its vast store of gold and jewels. No-one came to the aid of the surviving Dwarves, and thus, a once proud and noble race was forced into exile. Through long years of hardship, Thorin grew to be a strong and fearless fighter and revered leader. In his heart a fierce desire grew; a desire to reclaim his homeland and destroy the beast that had brought such misery upon his people. So when fate offers him an unusual ally, he seizes the chance for revenge.Friday, July 15, 2011
Two New Dwarves!!!
(L-R) Ken Stott as Balin and Graham McTavish as Dwalin. Dwarf Lords in their own right, Balin and Dwalin are close relatives of Thorin. Beyond this, these brothers are two of his most loyal and trusted friends. An old warrior, Balin has lived through hard times and fought many battles, yet he harbors doubts about the wisdom of the Quest to retake the Lonely Mountain. Dwalin has no such forebodings – his belief in Thorin’s leadership is unshakeable. A powerful and bruising fighter, with a natural tendency to distrust anyone who is not a Dwarf, particularly anyone who might be an Elf, Dwalin is not someone to cross lightly.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
The Hobbit Pictures!

He looks like Bilbo!!!! Can you notice Thorin in the back?

(L to R) Jed Brophy as Nori, Adam Brown as Ori and Mark Hadlow as Dori in "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" (Photo by James Fisher)
These three brothers, all sons of the same mother, could not be more different from each other. Dori, the oldest, spends much of his time watching out for Ori, the youngest; making sure he’s not caught a chill or got himself killed by Wargs or Goblins. Nobody quite knows what Nori gets up to most of the time, except that it’s guaranteed to be dodgy and quite probably, illegal. Dori, Nori and Ori are intensely loyal to each other – and whilst they are perfectly happy fighting amongst themselves, woe-betide anyone who means harm to one of these brothers.

John Callen as Oin and Peter Hambleton as Gloin in "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" (Photo by James Fisher)
Distant cousins of Thorin Oakenshield, these two doughty, Northern Dwarves join the Company out of a sense of loyalty to their kin, and also because they have a substantial sum of money invested in the venture. Along with Bombur, Gloin is the only other married Dwarf in the Company (there being a shortage of female dwarves in general). His wife is an acclaimed beauty with a particularly fine beard. Gloin is the proud father of a young son, Gimli, who will go on to become part of the famous Fellowship of the Ring.

(L-r) Stephen Hunter as Bombur, James Nesbitt as Bofur and William Kircher as Bifur in New Line Cinema's and MGM's fantasy adventure The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, a Warner Bros. Pictures release.
While most of the Company of Thorin Oakensheild is related to the royal and noble line of Durin, Bofur, his brother Bombur and their cousin Bifur most definitely are … not. Born and bred in the West, descendants of coal miners and iron workers, they have joined the Quest for the Lonely Mountain partly to seek their fortune and partly because they were told the beer was free.

Dean O'Gorman as Fili and Aidan Turner as Kili in "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" (Photo by James Fisher)
Two of the youngest Dwarves, Fili and Kili have been born into the royal line of Durin and raised under the stern guardianship of their uncle, Thorin Oakensheild. Neither has ever travelled far, nor ever seen the fabled Dwarf City of Erebor. For both, the journey to the Lonely Mountain represents adventure and excitement. Skilled fighters, both brothers set off on their adventure armed with the invincible courage of youth, neither being able to imagine the fate which lies before them.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011
The Crusader's Tale Updates
Monday, July 4, 2011
Happy 4th of July!!!!!!

Sunday, June 26, 2011
A New Serial: A Tale of Four Kings
A New Weekly Serial Coming To JT’s Tales July First, 2011
Strength! Wisdom! Justice!
With this said, JT will be posting a new story! I would invite you all to read it as this story seems... intriguing... Later one, I will be posting my own audio "trailer" for the story. So stay tuned, not only at Lord and Lady Productions and The Adventures of the Scarlet Pimpernel, but also, JT's Tales!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011
No more sisters for a week!
There gone precious! They can't tells us what to do! We's free precious! Free! Free! Free! No more sisterses!
For a week anyway...

Sunday, June 12, 2011
Vicki's Graduation 2011

Thursday, June 2, 2011
Semi-Semi Trailer Posted on Lord and Lady website!!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011
It's Raining! It's Pouring! I wish I was snoring!
A few months ago, and this is a true story, a guy, who thought he had the Bible all figured out, predicted that last Saturday, May 21st would be the end of the world and that the world would end at 6:00 p.m. Obviously, as I am still here typing, the world did not end. The guy came out the next day and made a public statment that he "misunderstood something." One of the reporters replied, "Ya, like maybe the part of the Bible that says NO MAN KNOWS THE TIME THE WORLD WILL END." and another said "It's ok.,.. We all make mistakes... It's ok... it aint the end of the world..."

Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Lord and Lady Blog

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Friday, May 6, 2011
Of Films

Sunday, May 1, 2011
Two days ago...
My 111 birthday! And sixteen years is far too short a time to live among such exelent bloggers. I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half a well as you deserve... Or words to that effect...
Ah! It was a good day. I have pictures of some of the things we did, but if you want to see them, you'll have to follow Lord and Lady's blog. for breakfast, we had a meal of Fried eggs, bacon, sausage, fried potatoes, and biscuits. For lunch, I had... HAMBURGERS AND TATOR TOTS! I love hamburgers... even if they aren't made of ham... and for dinner I had Steak, asparagus, Baked Potatoes, and some biscuits. Ah! it was a day to remember!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Movie Review: Braveheart

We watched it for the millionth time last night! I love that movie! Despite the fact that it's rated R for violence and.. other things... it is really epic movie! Though I would not recomend it for sixteen (I was thirteen when I watched it) on down, I would recomend it if you want to watch an epic movie! It's no wonder that this movie won so many oscars and awards!
Anyway, back to the reveiw. I have to rate this movie 4.5 stars. Due to the fact that it has two scenes that are... dodgy... But, everything else in the movie is of the highest quality! Mel Gibson is, indeed, my favorite director! He has the ability to tell stories in the most unique of ways! Who can think that a movie in which the main character dies would be nominated (and win) a bunch of awards! I have never shown this movie to anyone who didn't leave it with their jaw dropped!
Mel Gibson did an amazing job with the shots, especially with the scene "The Legend Spreads." Another amazing part of it is the costumes and props. I absolutely love the ancient kilts that are worn! Although many historians say that the ancient kilt was never worn by Scots, they looked really good (I even ended up getting myself an ancient kilt after watching this movie!) The music is amazing! The composer is none other than my favorite composer, James Horner (who tied with John Williams in our music polls)! After seeing this movie, I will guarantee you will want to get the soundtrack! Acting was superb! There is not a single actor who didn't protray his character succesfully! Mel Gibson plays the scottish patriot William Wallace and he is the darn best actor in the movie!
All in all, the movie is awesome! I would say that if you are 17+, then you should deffinitely watch this movie! If you can't yet, I would tell you to go onto playlist and listen to some tracks form the soundtrack. Freedom!!!!!

Sunday, April 24, 2011
Update and Happy Easter!!!!!!!

Hello followers and fellow bloggers! He is risen! He is risen indeed! The thought of rising from the dead is truly an amazing thought! Because, 100% of people who are born... die! 100%! And God himself died, but he didn't leave the world through death, and this is the amazing truth of it all! He died, but he didn't leave the world (permanently that is) from dying.
Now, updates. Last weekend, wasthe last performance of our churchs' production, "Is is I?" I'm going to edit the video soon and then I will have some parts to show you. But, we have pictures.
The Stage
The production last sunday (the pictures are a little blurry because our camera isn't that great and we were moving):
The Stage last Sunday
Simon the Zealot